Wikimania:Translation/Registration form/sv
Please only translate the items after the =>.
<?php $lang_register_form = array( 'registration_title' => 'Wikimania 2008 Registrering', 'select' => 'Välj', 'query' => 'Förfrågning om din registrering', 'query_title' => 'Du kan fråga efter status på din registrering här.', 'correction' => 'Informationen har inte accepterats då det är något fel i formuläret.', 'legend1' => 'Person information', 'title1' => ' <p><strong>Personliga data för identifiering</strong></p> <p>Fyll i dina personliga data korrekt.</p> ', 'egy' => 'Är du medborgare i The Arab Republic of Egypt?', 'egy1' => 'Ja, jag är. (Fyll i ditt nationella identitetsnummer och ditt namn i nedanstående fält)', 'egy0' => 'Nej, det är jag inte. (Fyll i ditt passnummer och namnet som står i passet i nedanstående fält)', 'surname' => 'Efternamn', 'given_name' => 'Förnamn', 'sex' => 'Kön', 'sex1' => 'Man', 'sex2' => 'Kvinna', 'sex3' => 'Avböjer att uppge', 'id' => 'ID / Pass numer', 'country' => 'Land / Region', 'city' => 'State / Stad', 'birthday' => 'Födelsedatum(dd/mmm/åååå)', 'organization' => 'Organisation', 'year1' => '', 'year' => '', 'month' => '', 'months' => array(NULL, 'januari', 'februari', 'mars', 'april', 'maj', 'juni', 'juli', 'augusti', 'september', 'oktober', 'november', 'december'), 'day' => '', 'title2' => ' <p><strong>Språkkunskaper</strong></p>', 'langn' => 'Modersmål', 'lang' => 'Kunskapsnivå', 'select_lang' => 'Välj språk', 'select_level' => 'Välj kunskapsnivå', 'lang_level1' => '1 (Grundläggande)', 'lang_level2' => '2 (Intermediate)', 'lang_level3' => '3 (Avancerad)', 'lang_level4' => '4 (Nästan som modersmål )', 'lang1' => 'Language 1', 'lang2' => 'Language 2', 'lang3' => 'Language 3', 'lang1_level' => 'Skill level for Language 1', 'lang2_level' => 'Skill level for Language 2', 'lang3_level' => 'Skill level for Language 3', 'title3' => ' <p><strong>Wikimedia project and e-mail account(s)</strong></p> <ul class="form_notice"> <li>Your e-mail information will be used for registration and urgent notification on Wikimania 2008 only.</li> </ul> ', 'wiki_id' => 'Preferred Wikimedia project account name', 'email' => 'Your e-mail', 'legend2' => 'Participation', 'title4' => ' <p><strong>Participation, badge information and miscellaneous</strong></p> <p>For better arrangement on accommodation, track sessions and related services, please let us know your options in the following fields.</p> ', 'join_date' => 'Date to participate', 'join1' => 'July 17', 'join2' => 'July 18', 'join3' => 'July 19', 'topic' => 'Preferred session track', 'topic1' => 'Wikimedia Communities', 'topic2' => 'Free Content', 'topic3' => 'Technical infrastructure', 'topic4' => 'Scientific Track', 'showname' => 'Badge information', 'custom_showname' => 'Preferred nickname on badge', 'showname1' => 'Name', 'showname2' => 'Wikimedia account', 'showname3' => 'Organization', 'showname4' => 'Other', 'size' => 'T-shirt size', 'food' => 'Dietary restriction', 'food0' => '-', 'food1' => 'No beef', 'food2' => 'Vegetarian (Asian style)', 'food3' => 'Vegetarian (Western style, egg and milk are fine)', 'food4' => 'No pork', 'food5' => 'Kosher', 'food6' => 'Others', 'food_other' => 'Specified dietary restrictions', 'allegric' => 'Any allergies', 'visa_assistance' => 'Visa assistance', 'need_visa_assistance' => 'Yes, I need visa assistance', 'visa_assistance_description' => ' Please specify how the organization team could help you on visa issues. (in <strong>Arabic</strong> or <strong>English</strong>)', 'title5' => ' <p><strong>Accommodation</strong></p> <p>We have made 2 option avaliable for you regarding accommodation, you can choose between one of 2 downtown hotels, double room. Or you can stay in dorms of Saint-Marc College. Please check details on <a href=>Wikimania official website</a> for exact locations and specification of each option before registering.</p> ', 'accommodation_hotel' => 'Prefered hotel.', 'hotels_metropol'=> 'Metropol Hotel($60 per night)', 'hotels_delta'=> 'Delta Hotel($30 per night)', 'hotels_dorms' => 'Saint Marc Dorms($10 per night)', 'accommodation' => 'Date(s) to stay', 'night1' => 'July 16', 'night2' => 'July 17', 'night3' => 'July 18', 'night4' => 'July 19', 'night5' => 'July 20', 'room' => 'Preferred room', 'room2' => 'Twin', 'room4' => '4 people', 'room6' => 'Don\'t care', 'title6' => ' <p><strong>Payment</strong></p> <p>You can debit your PayPal account or pay using your Credit Card via PayPal in <a href="" title="PayPal Worldwide">103 countries / regions</a> (Egypt not included) or via Remittance and direct payment to the bank account owned by the organization team in Alexandria. Note: Paypal option will be discarded if you\'re Egyptian</p> ', 'pay_method' => 'Payment type', 'atm' => 'Bank account payment', 'receipt' => 'Receipt', 'need_receipt' => 'Yes, I need a paper receipt.', 'receipt_title' => 'Title', 'receipt_address' => 'Mailing address', 'submit_notice' => '<li><strong>After you submit the form, you still have a chance to verify your registration.</strong></li>', 'submit' => 'Submit', 'reset' => 'Reset', 'confirm' => 'Verification', 'confirm_description' => 'Before you submit the form, please make sure you have filled the data correctly:', 'paypal' => 'Pay via PayPal', 'paypal_description' => '<p>Please use the "Buy Now" button below to pay via PayPal</p> ', 'paypal_failed' => 'Cancel the PayPal payment', 'paypal_failed_description' => '<p>You can try again by filling the form below, or you can pay in another way explained below.</p>', 'paypal_successful' => 'Payment via PayPal successful', 'paypal_successful_description' => '<p>Thank you! We will notify you the result after we receive the payment and review your registration info.</p>', 'atm' => 'Pay via Bank account', 'atm_description' => ' <p>Please use the following bank details in Egypt to transfer your registeration fees and/or accommodation:</p> <ul class="atm-account"> <li>Account name: Bibliotheca Alexandrina</li> <li>Bank: Commercial International Bank</li> <li>Branch Code: Bibliotheca Alexandrina Branch</li> <li>SWIFT BIC code: CIBEEGCX041</li> <li>Account number Wikimania (USD): 41-8930006-6</li> </ul> <p>Due to paypal restriction in <b>Egypt</b>, you can pay dirctely at the bank, please use the above bank details, with the following EGP account number:</p> <ul class="atm-account"> <li>Account number Wikimania (EGP): 41-8900019-5</li> </ul> <p>And please send your transmit receipt in electronic form with your name and the registration number (shown above) to regwikimania2008 AT, we will reply within 3 workdays. You can also <a href="index.php?action=query" title="query the registration status">query the registration status online</a>.</p> ' ); $lang_messages = array( 'successful' => 'Registration complete', 'successful_description' => '<p>Thank you for joining Wikimania 2008! Your registration form has been submitted. Please note that you need to complete the payment process so the registration can be confirmed. Your <strong>registration number</strong> will be shown below. Please take a note of the number for it will be used for querying the registration status and to confirm your identity in the future. ', 'cost' => 'Registration fee', 'wikimania_cost' => 'Conference: ', 'accommodation_cost' => 'Accommodation: ', 'other_cost' => 'Other expense(s): ', 'total_cost' => 'Total: ', 'usd' => ' USD', 'egp' => ' EGP', ); $lang_errors = array( 'repeat' => 'Someone has registered with the same name and the identification / passport number. It is possible you have submitted twice or you have refreshed the registration page.', 'not_input' => '$1 is empty.', 'not_input_completely' => '$1 is not complete.', 'not_select' => '$1 is not checked.', 'not_select_whether' => '$1 is not been specified.', 'too_long' => '$1 is too long, the limited length is $2.', 'incorect' => '$1 is not correct.', 'wrong' => '$1 is wrong.', 'visa_assistance_incomplete' => 'Visa assistance information is empty.', 'wrong_query' => 'Wrong name or registration number.', 'paypal_unavailable' => 'The country / region you selected is not supported by PayPal.' ); $lang_query = array( 'unique_code' => 'Registration number', 'submit' => 'Query', 'your_status' => 'Hi, $1, here is the status of your registration:', 'received_money' => 'Registration fee (received / expected):', 'lack' => 'Not received', 'enough' => 'Already paid', 'too_much' => 'You paid too much', 'accepted' => 'Your registration is <strong>confirmed</strong>.', 'rejected' => 'Your registration is <strong>rejected</strong>.', 'not_yet' => 'Your registration is <strong>not confirmed</strong>.' ); ?>