Bienvenu à Wikimania 2008 ! Si vous venez à la conférence à Alexandrie, vous aurez probablement besoin des quelques informations suivantes avant d'y aller. L'équipe Wikimania a gentiment créé une collection de pages d'informations qui informent les participants à propos d'Alexandrie et de ce qu'elle a à leur offrir durant leur séjour.

Wikitravel Press has created the official Wikimania 2008 travel guide to Cairo and Alexandria. The guide is licensed under Creative Commons by-sa 1.0, and it's available for your reading and editing pleasure at the Wikitravel website:

Alexandria - Cairo (including the Pyramids) - Egypt reference - Egyptian Arabic phrasebook

Printed copies of the June guidebook will be distributed on site (while supplies last), but those wanting to grab a copy before the conference can buy it online (US$11.99) — new July version now available. Take a look at the Alexandria sample chapter (PDF, 6.3 MB) to see what it looks like!

Any changes made now will be integrated into the next edition. You can help make it the best guide there can be!